Hey guys!! I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and a great break. Now that we're back, we're going to have a sort of busy schedule because we got to get a move on with Honk! The tech that is done this week will mostly be setting up the Holiday Improv set and helping Hannah with decorating and publicity!
Monday, 12/2:
Lydia will be doing measurements so wear proper clothing
Honk Rehearsal from 2:30 - 5 (with a break)
Music Rehearsal
Called: Full Cast
Tuesday, 12/3:
CC Meeting from 2:35 - 3
Honk Rehearsal from 3-5 (with a break)
Music Rehearsal
Called: Full Cast
Tech at 2:30: Pulling things for holiday improv, removing showcase, getting flats, etc.
Wednesday, 12/4:
Honk Rehearsal from 2:30 - 5 (with a break) in the band room
Music Rehearsal
Called: Full Cast (minus pulse people)
Thursday, 12/5:
Honk Rehearsal at 2:30
Ida’s line at the bottom on 4 to Drake’s exit at the top of 12
Called: Justin, Addi Nattie, Nattie, Aaron, Amiera, Nate, Eden, Jayden, Alex, Holly, Leila
Tech at 2:30: Pulling things for holiday improv, removing showcase, getting flats, etc.
Friday, 12/6:
Honk Rehearsal at 2:30
Pages 25 - 37, skipping Different and Play with Your Food
Called: Justin Aaron, Addi, Nattie, Jayden, Alex, Holly, Leila, Evan, Amiera, Nate, Eden
Tech at 2:30: Pulling things for holiday improv, removing showcase, getting flats, etc.
Upcoming Events:
Holiday Improv on 12/13!
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