Sunday, September 29, 2024

Week of 9/30

Remember to keep signing up for the Karaoke Car Wash and HalloweenFest!!

  • Monday, 9/30:

    • Midsummer Rehearsal at 2:30
    • Act One, Scene Two (1.2)

    Called: Aaron, Jack, Jackson, Elizabeth, Nicole, Haylie, Jake, Tess

    • Vocal Rehearsal with Mr. Crichton from 2:45 - 3:30
    • Oberon and Titania Duet (5.1)

    Called: Justin, Hannah, Soraya

    Tuesday, 10/1:

    • CC Meeting from 2:30 - 3
    • Dance Rehearsal with Jay at 3pm in the LT
    • Continue Rock Around the Clock (4.1)

    Called: Justin, Hannah, Soraya, Kara, Brooke, Nattie, Ameira, Paris, Maddy, Tess, Soul, Jayden

    • Midsummer Rehearsal at 3
    • Act Three, Scene One (3.1)

    Called: Aaron, Jack, Jackson, Elizabeth, Nicole, Haylie, Jake
    *Justin, Kara, Brooke, Paris, Maddy, Tess, Soul, Jayden, and Ameira will be in dance rehearsal*

    Wednesday, 10/2:

    • Dance Rehearsal with Jay at 2:30
    • Fairies (5.1)

    Called: Justin, Hannah, Soraya, Brooke, Nattie, Ameira, Paris, Maddy, Tess, Soul, Jayden, Giovanna

    Thursday, 10/3 and Friday 10/4: 

    • Rosh Hashanah (No School)

    Saturday, 10/5:

    • Karaoke Car Wash from 9 - 1!!

    (Some people need to stay until 1:30 to help clean up but please keep signing up!!)

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Week of 9/23

 NOTE: There is a building-wide policy this year that Tech Nights end at 8:30pm and pick up should occur between 8:30pm - 8:45pm. In exceptional cases, 9:00pm will be the latest pick up time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Monday, 9/23:

  • Production Meeting at 2:30

  • Warm ups with Justin at 3

  • Midsummer Rehearsal at 3:30

    • Act Five, Scene One (5.1) and possibly Act 2, Scene Two (2.2)

Called: Jack, Evan, Nate, Harry, Daniella, Eden, Nattie, Holly, Giovanna, Caleigh, Nicole, Jackson, Aaron, Elizabeth, Jake, Tess, Kara, Brooke, Justin, Hannah, Soraya, Ameira, Paris, Maddy, Soul, Jayden, Haylie, Dylan

  • Tech Day during Rehearsal, Out by 5

Tuesday, 9/24:

  • CC Meeting at 2:30

  • Midsummer Rehearsal at 3

    • Act Three, Scene Two (3.2)

Called: Caleigh, Nicole, Holly, Giovanna, Nate, Evan, Hannah, Soraya, Kara, Brooke

  • Tech Day during Rehearsal, Out by 5

Wednesday, 9/25:

  • Vocal Rehearsal with Mr.Crichton

    • 2:30 - Lullaby: Act Two, Scene Two (2.2)

Called: Nattie, Ameira, Paris, Maddy, Tess, Soul, Jayden

  • 4:15 - Oberon and Titania Duet: Act Five, Scene One (5.1)

Called: Justin, Hannah, Soraya

  • Tech Day during Rehearsal, Out by 5

Thursday, 9/26:

  • Back to School Night

  • No Rehearsal or Tech

Friday, 9/27:

  • Dance Rehearsal with Jay

    • 2:30 - Rock Around the Clock: Act Four, Scene One (4.1)

Called: Justin, Hannah, Soraya, Kara, Brooke, Nattie, Ameira, Paris, Maddy, Tess, Soul, Jayden, Giovanna

  • Rehearsal and Tech until 4:30

  • Dinner Break!

  • Improv Night at 7:30!

Saturday, 9/28:

  • Tech Day from 11am - 3pm (No Mr. Crichton)

Information and sign ups for the Design Competition at Hofstra Shakespeare Festival are on the OTC Playhouse Google Classroom. This years event takes place on November 1st from 9am to 5pm.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week of 9/16

Monday, 9/16:

  • Brief Mandatory National Honor Society Meeting in the Auditorium

  • Mentor/Mentee Reveal from 2:45 - 3:15

  • Midsummer Rehearsal from 3:30 - 5:

    • Act Four, Scene One (4.1)

Called: Harry, Daniella, Eden, Nattie, Dylan, Nate, Evan, Holly, Giovanna, Nicole, Jack

  • Act Four, Scene Two (4.2)

Called: Aaron, Elizabeth, Jackson, Jake, Tess, Jack, Nicole

Tuesday, 9/17:

  • Minor Crew Orientation from 2:30 - 3:15

  • Midsummer Rehearsal from 3:30 - 5:

    • Act Three, Scene Two (3.2)

Called: Hannah, Soraya, Kara, Brooke, Evan, Holly, Giovanna, Nate, Caleigh, Nicole

Wednesday, 9/18:

  • Warm Ups and Read Through at 2:35 with Justin

  • Midsummer Rehearsal from 3 - 5:

    • Act Five, Scene One (5.1)

Called: Daniella, Eden, Nattie, Harry, Nate, Evan, Holly, Giovanna, Caleigh, Nicole, Dylan, Aaron, Jack, Jackson, Jake, Tess, Elizabeth

  • CC Meeting from 6 - 6:30
  • Tech Night from 6:30 - 8:30

Thursday, 9/19:

  • Midsummer Rehearsal (after pulse) from 4:15 - 5:

    • Act Two, Scene Two (2.2)

  • Called: Hannah, Soraya, Nate, Holly, Giovanna, Kara, Brooke, Caleigh, Nicole, Evan

  • Tech Night from 6:30 - 8:30

  • Vocal Rehearsal during Tech Night with Mr. Crichton

    • Act Two, Scene Two (2.2)

Called: Nattie, Ameira, Paris, Maddy, Tess, Soul, Jayden

  • Act Five, Scene One (5.1)

Called: Justin, Hannah, Soraya

Friday, 9/20:

  • Tech Day from 2:35 - 5

  • Homecoming Dance from 7 - 10!

Saturday, 9/21:

  • Tech Day from 11am - 3

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week of 9/9

 Monday, 9/9:

  • Production Meeting with AD/SM’s/STD’s/Paint CC’s at 2:15pm

  • Midsummer Rehearsal from 2:35 - 5: 

    • Act One, Scene One (1.1)

Called: Harry, Daniella, Eden, Nattie, Dylan, Holly, Giovanna, Evan, Nate, Caleigh, Nicole

Tuesday, 9/10:

  • CC Meeting from 2:30 - 3 in the Drama Room

  • Midsummer Rehearsal from 3 - 5: 

    • Act One, Scene Two (1.2)

Called: Aaron, Jack, Jackson, Nicole, Elizabeth, Jack, Tess

  • Act Three, Scene One (3.1)

Called: Aaron, Jack, Jackson, Nicole, Elizabeth, Jack, Tess, Kara, Brooke, Justin, Paris,                        Maddy, Soul, Jayden, Amiera

  • Act Four, Scene Two (4.2)

Called: Aaron, Jack, Jackson, Nicole, Elizabeth, Jack, Tess

Wednesday, 9/11:

  • Midsummer Rehearsal  from 2:35 - 3:45: 

    • Act Four, Scene One (4.1)

Called: Justin, Paris, Maddy, Jack, Tess, Soul, Jayden, Amiera, Hannah, Soraya, Kara, Brooke


(for freshman and any new members of the company)

Thursday, 9/12:

  • Midsummer Rehearsal from 2:35 - 5: 

    • Act Two, Scene One (2.1)

Called: Kara, Brooke, Nattie, Amiera, Justin, Hannah, Soraya, Evan, Caleigh, Nicole

  • Tech Day from 2:35 - 4:30

Friday, 9/13:

  • Mentor Mentee “Speed Dating” Interviews from 2:15 - 3

  • Tech Day from 3 - 5:30

Monday, September 2, 2024

Week of 9/3

 Happy First Week! 

Tuesday, 9/3: First Day of School!!

- Nothing After School 

Wednesday, 9/4: 

- Brief Meeting with Cast, SM's, AD, Mr. Crichton, and Mr. Salerno (& possible measurements by Lydia if she is able to be there) at 2:15pm.

Thursday, 9/5:

- Read Through in the Drama Room at 3pm!

Friday, 9/6:

- Continued Read Through in the Drama Room at 3pm.

Week of 2/3

  MONDAY, 2/3/25: 3-5 -  TECH  VOCAL 2:35-4:15 - PINCUS in Vocal Room with Tenors and Basses for "Yes, My Heart"  3-4pm - CRICHTON...