Sunday, March 10, 2024

Week of 3/11

 Congratulations everyone on an extremely successful opening!! Every one of you shined so bright (cast AND crew) and I am BEYOND proud. I hope you all use Sunday and Monday as days of complete rest and treating yourselves! You deserve it and so much more <3 Keep up the hard work and let's have an even greater next two shows!! Love you all :))


  • Rest Day for everyone!! Have a beautiful day <3


  • Tech for ALL crews at 2:35 (Use today to finish everything!!)
  • Notes for Bright Star Cast and Crew(props running crew, tech running crew, costumes running crew, etc) at 2:35
  • Dance Brush Ups after notes for Full Cast in Lobby : Woah Mama, Firmer Hand/ Do Right, Picnic Dance, What Could Be Better, Another Round, and any other trouble scenes that principles want to run!


  • Tech for ALL crews at 2:35
  • PRIORITY for Lighting and Sound *
  • Preset ALL Technical Elements for Run Through at 2:35
  • Costumes only for those with quick changes (Jackie D, Jack Messinger, etc)
  • ALL running crews are called, include dressers (Jayna for Jackie, Jay for Jack, etc)
  • Brush-Up Run Through at 4
  • Call time TBA
  • Bright Star Second Night at 7:30
  • Cast Call time is 3:30 for Notes
  • Crew Call TBA
  • Bright Star Closing at 7:30 

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Week of 9/3

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